Fall '21 Lookbook by Smallhand

As a small brand, we're always evolving, and always growing. We think fondly of the times when our first run or two of heritage goods had barely any wear and tear on them. We also look fondly at the role that social media played in our lives back then - simple, engaging, and a place to build and reflect on community.

The social platform has evolved, too. It doesn't play the same role in engaging with friends and new followers that it did when we began the brand. The need for high-value content has skyrocketed as it's become harder and harder to reach the same number of people. For us, high-value means a clear display of the ethos of our brand. Heritage goods, built to survive your personal denim story.

Our friend and long-time collaborator Lucas Fitz recently launched his branding and content venture Smallhand - and that kick-off intersected with the realization after our move that we've accumulated some great history over the years. We teamed up with Fitz to put together our first seasonal lookbook - a reflection of our brand and what we have to offer at this point in time, as well as a look at our heritage goods being used exactly as they're intended.

You may have noticed this content trickling through the feed here and there already, but we wanted to give you the opportunity to see it all in one place.

Check out the full lookbook here.


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